Photo: Armin RimoldiReclaiming Our Heritage: An Alpha College to Face the Future

By Lawrence Clayton

A new bill—SB 129–was signed into law last winter severely restricting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs in higher education in Alabama.

The bill prohibits divisive concepts of race, sex, ethnicity, and other factors which undermine the traditional concept that excellence in education is obtained by merit and hard work, not by who we are.

The answer to DEI is to restore the ingredients in higher education that endowed us with standards and strengths to build the world we all inhabit.

We need to reexamine closely the values and ethics which gave this country its distinctive character. Then, before the collective memory of those attributes fades away into some corner of our memory, we need to do something.

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  • Did You Know colleges and universities throughout Alabama are promoting far-left “Woke” ideology including “Critical Race Theory” to faculty and students through “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” (DEI) programs?

  • Did You Know this includes college students training to become teachers in Alabama K-12 schools?

  • Did You Know that that all white people are racists according to DEI? They have no choice in this matter. It is called “white fragility.” Look it up.

  • Did You Know that the DEI curriculum teaches that slavery and racism are the foundations of American history? It’s not liberty, democracy, classical liberal values, capitalism, individual responsibility, freedom, etc. Again, you have no choice about what to think in the matter. This is propaganda rooted in Marxist methods, not the truth.

  • Did You Know our flagship institution, the University of Alabama, has over 30 administrators dedicated to “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion”, which influence decisions on student admissions, faculty hiring and promotion as well as course content?


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